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#BeroeanLikes: Another in the Fire – Hillsong UNITED

Another In The Fire by Hillsong UNITED, recorded live at Hillsong Worship & Creative Conference in Sydney, Australia | © 2018 Hillsong Music Publishing

This song was for me an anthem and a source of comfort and assurance during a time of fear and uncertainty. About a year and a half ago I was experiencing concerning symptoms and was having medical testing done, all right before moving to Ireland for school. I began to worry constantly that something must be wrong with me and that all my plans for the next year would be ruined. I came across this song just before I was scheduled to have an MRI, and thought it was the perfect song to sing in my head to distract me from the loud noise I knew the machine would make. This song starts off by saying: 

“There was another in the fire standing next to me // There was another in the waters holding back the seas // And should I ever need reminding of how I’ve been set free // There is a cross that bears the burden where another died for me”.

I loved how this song references the story of Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego being thrown in a fiery furnace because they refused to bow down to King Nebuchadnezzar, specifically when the King looked into the fire and saw the angel with them. Then it references God holding back the seas for Moses and the Israelites to cross through. Finally, it references the cross, where Jesus died to save us.

Thankfully I did come through that time of uncertainty and I’m doing well now, with my faith even stronger than it was before I went through it. We are all going through a time of uncertainty right now with COVID, but I’m thankful that my hope comes from the assurance I have that I’m not facing anything alone, but with God right there with me every step of the way. He was there in the fire, parting the waters, in the MRI machine with me and will continue to be with us tomorrow and every day thereafter.

Jenn McKinley, The Church of God in Toronto

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